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German Tax Calculator


JavaScript program calculates online the income tax for the German single and married couple tax tariff with solidarity surcharge and church tax for the years 1999 til 2021. Child lump sums are taken in consideration. A program plotting the German income tax burden rate against the income could be found under Diagram of the German income tax burden

for Year

Income per Year:

Number of Children Church Tax always in DM

 Tax Calculation       for Singles       for Couples
Income Tax 
Solidarity Surcharge 
Church Tax 
 Total Tax Burden 
 Net Income 



Last Program Change: 06.06.2022

based on a JavaScript program
created by Slaven Rezic

If you are / will be employed please use the German Wage Tax Calculator. The Income Tax Calculator is only for freelancers or landlords for instance. For the wage tax calculation it is used too, but only after deduction of all lump sums.

Base for the German Income Tax (on which also the German Wage Tax is based) is the German Income Tax Law ('Einkommensteuergesetz', abreviation: "EStG", also translated with German Income Tax Act), having more then 70 paragraphs.

About the income tax tariff

Children (could) reduce taxable income

Starting a business

Taxation of Non-residents

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